Why You Should Hire a Professional Patio Contractor vs. DIY

patio contractor

Written By Benjamin Eyth

Published on 5 May, 2024

Blogs | Patios

Building a patio is not as simple as it sounds. It’s a big project that requires careful planning, precision, and expertise, which only an experienced professional patio contractor can provide. You might want to do it yourself, thinking it will save you money and time. However, remember that this structure must be built safely and correctly to avoid costly mistakes or injury.

Ultimately, your patio will be an extension of your home, an investment to boost your property’s value, and a comfortable place to make memories. You will want to ensure it’s aesthetically pleasing and built to last.

In this blog, we’ll share why you should hire a professional patio contractor instead of going the DIY route.


Take the guesswork out of customizing your patio.

Your home is unique, and your patio’s design should be too. A professional patio contractor can customize and bring any design to life.

Can you picture a cozy seating area with an outdoor kitchen? Do you want to add a firepit? Professionals can deliver your dream patio and incorporate your desired features. They will build it safely and to your specific requirements.

Here are more ways by which expert patio installers can eliminate the guesswork in your project:

  • Build a patio that looks like it’s part of your home
    You want to ensure that your patio complements your home’s architecture and doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb.

A Professional patio contractor considers elements like your home’s material and colors when designing your patio in order to build a structure that looks and feels like a natural extension of your home.

  • Expertise in design principles
    Professional patio contractors also consider factors like space constraints, your property’s layout, sunlight, and wind direction when designing a patio to ensure a comfortable and beautiful structure.

Moreover, they have the vision, knowledge, and experience to understand how to design and build the structure with appropriate pavers, ensuring a long-lasting, aesthetically pleasing, and functional patio. And inexperienced DIY enthusiast could easily overlook these important details.


Quality artistry

A patio is a functional living space that must be long-lasting, durable, and safe; qualities more easily achieved when you hire professional patio contractors because:


  • They have access to high-quality tools and materials. Top-notch tools and materials will make your patio look great without compromising resistance to weather conditions, wear and tear, and pests.
  • They can guarantee attention to detail and precision. Professionals have the training and expertise to notice all details—even the smallest, seemingly unimportant ones. They ensure correctly spaced and installed patio pavers for proper drainage and longevity.
  • Professional contractors know the latest installation techniques, materials, and trends, ensuring your patio is built with cutting-edge, durable products. Additionally, they are able to ensure compliance with building codes for increased durability and safety.


Save time and eliminate unnecessary costs.

While a DIY patio might seem cheaper initially, it can cost a lot more if you make expensive mistakes. The long-term benefits of hiring a professional contractor far outweigh the initial investment. Here’s why:

  • Streamlined service: Licensed and seasoned pros have been around for years, meaning they have more refined processes to install patios as efficiently as possible. As a result, the construction can go smoothly without surprise costs or delays.
  • Long-term savings: Professionals ensure your deck or patio will provide years of enjoyment. Over time, this extended lifespan can eliminate unnecessary expenses caused by a flimsy or problematic patio.


Get the proper permits.

Regardless of size, a patio is a structural addition to a house, so it needs to meet relevant building codes and safety standards.

A professional patio contractor knows the latest building codes and ensures your structure is designed and built to those standards. This eliminates the guesswork on your end when navigating these codes.


Hiring a professional can provide you with greater peace of mind, knowing that the patio is constructed correctly and safely. Many professional patio contractors stand behind their work and offer reliable warranties. Additionally, partnering with reputable brands of patio pavers enables them to provide the manufacturer’s guarantees. These benefits are unavailable when opting for a DIY approach, leaving you alone to deal with any arising issues.


While DIY can be a great idea, save it for smaller projects like installing new shelves or painting your new patio. Building a deck should be left to professionals to prevent costly mistakes.

If you want to hire a professional patio contractor, contact our team at Outdoor Cedar Structures.

We have the expertise, materials, experience, and credentials, making us qualified to create the outdoor living space of your dreams in Spokane, Washington. Schedule your free design consultation with our experts today by calling (509) 329-6054.

Contact us today toschedule a design consultation